Welcome to Saint Oran Speaks

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Saint Oran Speaks is a blog of messages channeled through M. E. Jones from Saint Oran, the Druid of the Hebrides. After a long rest on an ancient island, he has returned with messages from spirit. Thank you for bearing witness to the unfolding . . . NEW content on the way!

Sunday, March 13, 2011

One with the Elements (Message #34)

This is Oran
Your brother and your kin.

Please know that life goes on ever so. We will transform we will become one with the elements. With the stars. Such earthly sadness for the souls so quickly lost in the tsunami in Japan. They have already been recaptured by star light. They are forming new planets and worlds.

Where does the spirit go? Does all matter decay upon this earth that herself is slowly dying and transforming? No not all. Some matter becomes gaseous and forms again elsewhere. Some matter heals Mother Earth. Other matter joins the heavens again it becomes the stars and planets you cannot see yet. We are sorted, spirit matter. We are all reclaimed.

Go now,


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