Welcome to Saint Oran Speaks

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Saint Oran Speaks is a blog of messages channeled through M. E. Jones from Saint Oran, the Druid of the Hebrides. After a long rest on an ancient island, he has returned with messages from spirit. Thank you for bearing witness to the unfolding . . . NEW content on the way!

Sunday, January 30, 2011

The shift will reveal what is hidden (Message 33)

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

This is Oran, your brother and your kin. Welcome to a new earth year. A new life there before you. New opportunity
to begin again.

Much is changing on your earth but much, much is becoming clear to you as a path to follow. The weather is an indication of the change. Not just a change in solar patterns. The shift will reveal what was hidden . . .

What to do with your life? It is done. You are doing it! Live with fullness. Open-hearted. Be peaceful. Be loving, accept this as strength not passivity. You are strong humans. Learn from a world that needs more peace. Your world. Start with the internal world from within.

Wake to the life given to you!

Go now,


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