Welcome to Saint Oran Speaks

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Saint Oran Speaks is a blog of messages channeled through M. E. Jones from Saint Oran, the Druid of the Hebrides. After a long rest on an ancient island, he has returned with messages from spirit. Thank you for bearing witness to the unfolding . . . NEW content on the way!

Monday, September 27, 2010

Open to the Oneness (Message #32)

Dear Friends,

This is Oran. Your brother and your kin.

We are upon the alignment I spoke of in a previous message. Certain areas on the time line will repeat. There may be war. Prayer for reconciliation. Care about them. Care about the people who will be in the middle of the chaos. Pray for another way! There is-- it’s called love. And Peace.

This shift also resounds like a beacon across the Universe. You will be revealed. This Universe is littered with planets like a bag lying open spilling with jewels. There is life on so many of them [planets]! Not just Earth.

There is a shift in the frequency on Earth this will be received. Years to prepare for an arrival. But what state will humans find themselves? Unity or chaos? You will have to chose.

What do on October 3rd? Uncoil, relax. Open to the oneness. Pray for others. Leave everything that does not serve you behind. Move forward. Focus on love. And forgiveness.

Go now,

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